"Un Día Todo Se Termina" Facts
"Un Día Todo Se Termina" has reached 1.4M total views, 43K likes, and dislikes on YouTube.
The song has been submitted on 27/10/2022 and spent 1 weeks on the charts.
The original name of the music video "Un Día Todo Se Termina" is "TORNILLO X SANTA FE KLAN - UN DÍA TODO SE TERMINA (VISUALIZER) | CACTUS".
"Un Día Todo Se Termina" has been published on Youtube at 27/10/2022 08:00:51
"Un Día Todo Se Termina" Lyrics, Composers, Record Label
;Tornillo x Santa Fe Klan - Un Día Todo Se Termina Remix (Visualizer) | Cactus
↳Escucha Cactus
Composición e interpretación: Osiel Armando Vazquez Pérez, Ángel Jair Quezada Jasso
Producción: Moler Vidal
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Santa Fe Klan
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#Tornillo #Cactus #MusicaDelVecindario